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      <DisplayId>String content</DisplayId>
      <RuleName>String content</RuleName>
      <SeverityName>String content</SeverityName>
        <string xmlns="">String content</string>
        <string xmlns="">String content</string>




The displayed id of the segment. For example: 1, 20, 26-3


The id of the segment in the database.


The internal number used to identify the rule

/// <summary>

/// Rule of this type checks whether segment has been translated

/// </summary>

EmptyTranslation = 0,

/// <summary>

/// Check if there are sequence of multiple spaces in the target texts.

/// </summary>

DoubleSpace = 1,

/// <summary>

/// Rule of this type checks whether end punctuation of source and target match

/// </summary>

EndPunctuation = 2,

/// <summary>

/// Rule of this type checks whether inline tags are well positionned

/// </summary>

InlineTag = 3,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether spaces in source and target are consistent (ie: if there are 4 spaces in sequence in the source this rule check if this sequence is in target too)

/// </summary>

SpaceSequenceConsistency = 4,

/// <summary>

/// Checks wether leading and trailing spaces of the target are equals

/// </summary>

ExtremitiesSpaces = 5,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether the translations inside the document are consistent

/// </summary>

ConsistentTranslation = 6,

/// <summary>

/// Checks if translations and source texts are identical

/// </summary>

IdenticalSourceTarget = 7,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether the first letter of the segment is in capital.

InitialLetterCapitalization = 8,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether there are multiple punctuations (eg: "..", "?!", ",,", etc.)

/// </summary>

MultiplePunctuation = 9,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether there are some misspelled words.

/// </summary>

SpellCheck = 10,

/// <summary>

/// Detects the unintentional spaces before the punctuation marks.

/// </summary>

SpaceBeforePunctuation = 11,

/// <summary>

/// Checks the terminology used in translations against the term bases linked to the project

/// </summary>

TerminologyCheck = 12,

///// <summary>

///// Checks if there is no missing/extra numbers and check if they are correctly localized

///// </summary>

//NumberConsistency = 14,

/// <summary>

/// Checks if some words are repeated in the target text. (eg: "Bonjour le le monde")

/// </summary>

RepeatedWords = 15,

/// <summary>

/// This rule checks the presence of double bytes characters in the target text

/// </summary> CharacterClass = 16,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether fuzzy matches were not modified

/// </summary>

UneditedText = 17,

/// <summary>

/// Checks whether forbidden terms are in the translations

/// </summary>

ForbiddenTerms = 18,

/// <summary>

/// Checks spaces at the end of the sub-segments

/// </summary>

SpacesSegmentationBoundary = 19,

/// <summary>

/// Checks date and number localization

/// </summary>

DateAndNumberLocalization = 20,

/// <summary>

/// Checks the length of the translation

/// </summary>

TranslationLength = 21,

/// <summary>

/// Checks that enclosed alphanumerics (those are special Unicode chars) appear on both sides.

/// </summary>

EnclosedAlphanumerics = 22


The name of the QA rule.


The internal number used to indicate the rule severity

Information = 0,

Warning = 1,

Error = 2


The rule severity


A list of strings describing the current problem.

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