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    <DisplayId>String content</DisplayId>
    <Label>String content</Label>
    <SourceText>String content</SourceText>
    <TranslatedText>String content</TranslatedText>




Represents one segment in the results list


The segment id. This is the unique identifier of the segment.


A "user friendly" alternative to the segment id. If the resource is a project then this id is a sequential number of the segment inside the containing document (the first segment in the parent document gets number 1, etc.). If segments are segmented (SRX), the id is suffixed like "2-1", "2-2", "2-3" indicating that the second segment was split into 3 constituents.

In case that the segment is part of a translation memory or term base, the DisplayId is the same as the SegmentId.


Sequential number of the segment inside the containing document (not used for translation memories and term bases)


Used if a segment is split by SRX segmentation (not used for translation memories and term bases)


Each segment belongs to a document which belongs to a project or memory. This is the system wide unique document id. In the case of translation memories, each import is assigned a separate bee document id.


Used if a document is composed of "sections" such as a slide in Powerpoint. Not used with translation memories.


Boolean. Indicates whether the segment contains comments.


Boolean. Indicates whether the segment contains width/height constraints.


Indicates if the text has an history or not


The last user who has modified the text, status or bookmark.


Typically contains the context of the segment. For example: "Heading 1", "Hyperlink", etc.


I ndicates if the text has a bookmark. Can be one of theses values: None = 0, Level1 = 1, Level2 = 2


T he c urrent status of the text. Can be one of theses values: None = 0, Ok = 1, Problem = 2


One of theses values:

/// The translation is not supplied

None = 0,

/// The translation was provided by a user or last changed by a user

Human = 1,

/// Translation memory based identical translation.

/// The translation was obtained through a pre-translation mechanism. The translation

/// is supposed to 100% meet the original.

RefMaterialIdentical = 2,

/// Translation memory based fuzzy translation.

/// The translation was obtained through a pre-translation mechanism. The translation

/// is not 100% correct and requires human interaction.

RefMaterialFuzzy = 3,

/// The translation was obtained via a rule based system. E.g. by conversion of

/// numbers into a localized form.

RuleBased = 4,

/// The translation was obtained via a rule based system. E.g. by conversion of

/// numbers into a localized form.

MachineTranslation = 5,

/// The translation came from the previous version of the document. Used in Codyt.

PreviousVersion = 6,

/// The translation came from the previous version of the document and matches in-context

PreviousVersionCtx = 7


Indicates if the text is locked or not


The last modification date of the text.


The source text


The translated text

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