Export - Invoice
<Status>Quote Draft</Status>
The client
The supplier
Api test
<AggPeriodFrom />
<AggPeriodTo />
<CustomStr1 />
<Label87 />
<Task />
<ServiceUnit />
<FuzzyCategory />
Status | A code indicating the current status of the invoice or quote document. |
InvoiceType | Either "Invoice" or "Quote". |
LastUpdate | The date when the invoice or quote was updated for the last time. |
Reference | The reference of the invoice or quote |
Client | The client company name. |
Supplier | The supplier company name. |
TotalExVAT | Total amout excluding VAT. |
VAT | The value of the VAT rate as a percentage between 0 and 100. |
TotalVAT | Total VAT amount as calculated from the VAT rate and the total excluding VAT. |
Total | The total including VAT. |
Currency | The currency formatted as a 3 letter ISO code. |
CurrencySymbol | The currency symbol such as € or $. |
DecimalPlaces | The number of decimals to print for amounts. |
Project | Project to which this invoice is linked. |
InvoiceNo | The invoice number. Typically assigned when the invoice is approved. Empty if not specified. |
InvoiceDate | The official date of the invoice. Typically assigned when the invoice is approved. Empty if not specified. |
QuoteNo | The quote or purchase order number. Typically assigned when the quote has been approved. Empty if not specified. |
QuoteDate | The official date of the quote or purchase order. Typically assigned when the quote has been approved. Empty if not specified. |
EffectiveDate | The financial period to which a details invoice is attributed. Assigned when the cost calculation becomes a draft invoice. |
IsAggregation | If true, then this flag means that the present invoice aggregates details invoices. Otherwise the value is "false". |
IsAggregationChild | If true, then this is an aggregated details invoice. |
AggPeriodFrom | If the invoice is an aggregation parent or child, then this is the first date of the aggregation period. The invoice dates of all aggregated details invoices lie within this period. |
AggPeriodTo | If the invoice is an aggregation parent or child, then this is the last date of the aggregation period. The invoice dates of all aggregated details invoices lie within this period. |
DebtorNo | The debtor number (for client invoices only) |
CreditorNo | The creditor number (for supplier invoices only) |
ContractNumber | The contract number field as copied from the applicable price list when creating the invoice. |
InternalComments | Internal comments. |
IsSupplierInvoice | Is true if the document is created for a supplier (such as a freelancer). Otherwise it is for a client. |
Access | A code indicating if the invoice/quote is accessible by the client or supplier. Either "NotPublished" (not disclosed to external clients/suppliers), "PublishedReadOnly" (client/supplier can view invoice/quote) or "PublishedReadWrite" (client/supplier can edit invoice/quote) |
DistributionEmail | Indicates if the finished invoice was sent out by email. A code with one of these values: "NotRequired" (not to be sent by email), "TransmissionRequired" (needs to be sent by email), "TransmissionSuccess" (email successfully sent) or "TransmissionFailed" (sending by email failed). |
DistributionPrint | Indicates if the finished invoice needs to be sent by postal mail. A code with one of these values: "NotRequired" (not to be sent), "TransmissionRequired" (needs to be sent), "TransmissionSuccess" (sending by postal mail donesent) or "TransmissionFailed" (sending by postal mail failed). |
IsOnHold | Indicates whether the invoice shall be excluded from the invoicing process for the time being (i.e. no aggregation, validation, transmission). |
DoAggregate | Indicates whether this invoice shall be aggregated at the end of a financial period. |
CustomStr | Custom field |
Label | Custom label |
LineIndex | The line index |
LocSource | The source language |
LocTarget | The target language |
LocSourceCode | ISO language code of source language |
LocSourceCode | ISO language code of target language |
Description | Free text description. |
Task | The type of job (Translation, Revision...) |
TaskCode | The internal code used for the type of job (TR, RV, PROOF...) |
ServiceUnit | The unit indicator as text: Words, Pages, Characters, etc. |
ServiceUnitCode | The unit indicator: WD, PG, CH, etc. |
ServiceUnits | The number of units included in the ServiceAmount price. |
ServiceAmount | The price list service amount per counted unit (e.g. per word). |
ProductCode | Optional product code of the applied price list service. |
FuzzyBoundary | Indicates if the line counts work involving fuzzy matched or pre-translations. A value of 100 means a 100% match or pre-translation. |
FuzzyCategory | Indicates the fuzzy match or pretranslation method used (pre-translated at 110%, 100% match, etc.). |
FuzzyCategory_ | The internal number used to indicate the fuzzy match or pretranslation method used (2, 0, etc.). |
Count | Number of items covered, e.g. the number of words, pages or other. |
ReductionPercent | Reduction in % with respect to standard price. Used e.g. for pre-translations. |
Amount | The amount excluding VAT. |
AmountBase | The amount excluding any reductions. |