Retrieves comments and status history for the specific job.
(GET) /jobs/{id}/traces
URL parameters are:
id | The job ID. Also see jobs/{id}/summary | string, Mandatory |
allworkflow (NOT IMPLEMENTED) | Default: false. If true then include comments for all jobs in the same workflow. Parameter is disregarded if the user does not have sufficient access rights. | bool, Optional |
The resulting JSON object has these properties:
count | Total number of traces. | int |
items | Array with the list of traces, see below. | object[] |
persons | An object containing the persons referred to by the traces uid property. Note:
See Persons List (Object) for details. | object |
jobs | An object with all referenced jobs. | object |
canAdd | If true then user can add new comments | bool |
Each trace has these properties:
cty | Always "job" | string |
traceid | The ID of the trace. The format is "s229" + creation date, "s9938" + creation date | string |
txt | Optional message with the trace. Typically used with traces that are messages. | string |
loc | The locale to which the comment is attached. This can be a source or target locale. | string |
loct | The language name. | string |
dt | The date of the trace. | datetime |
uid | The user who triggered this event. Null if the user was deleted. | int? |
tsk | The task code to which this event is attached: RV, TR, PROOF | string |
tskt | The task name. | string |
status | The job status at the time. Numeric status, see Job Status | int |
statust | The job status title. | string |
jid | The string job id to which this trace refers. | string |
edit | True if the user is allowed to edit or delete the item. False, if no change is permitted. | bool |
The jobs object is a dictionary where the key is the string job id and the value an object as below:
id | The globally unique ID of the job (which encodes jobid + iscodyt) | string | |
jobid | The numeric job id (unique for Standard and Codyt respectively) | int | |
iscodyt | True: A Codyt job. False: A standard job. | bool | |
reference | The reference of the job. With Codyt jobs this is the job's document name. | string | |
task | The task code of the job (TR, RV...) | string | |
taskt | The task title (Translation, Revision...) | string | |
src / srct | Source language code and name | string | |
trg / trgt | Target language code and name | string | |
branch / brancht | Branch language code and name. In general the branch locale is identical to the target locale. It may be different where a workflow involves a back translation or translation into pivot languages. | string | |
status | The job status as a number. See Job Status | int | |
statust | The job status name. | string | |
assignment | Assignment details, see Job Assignment Details Example:
| object |
"count": 1,
"items": [
"cty": "job",
"traceid": "c0000-12345678910",
"txt": null,
"loc": "en",
"loct": "English",
"dt": "2017-06-19T20:57:49.31",
"uid": 7,
"tsk": "TR",
"tskt": "Translation",
"status": 1,
"statust": "◀Not assigned▶",
"jid": 0000,
"edit": true
"persons": {
"_7": {
"id": 7,
"nm": "Claude Pont",
"cid": 1,
"cnm": "Wordbee"
"jobs": {
"_c0000": {
"id": "c0000",
"jobid": 0000,
"iscodyt": true,
"reference": "Wordbee Job Reference",
"tsk": "TR",
"tskt": "Translation",
"src": "en",
"srct": "English",
"trg": "fr",
"trgt": "French",
"branch": "fr",
"brancht": "French",
"status": 0,
"statust": "◀Draft▶",
"assignment": {
"mode": 0,
"modet": "◀Fixed assignment▶",
"cid": null,
"cname": null,
"uid": null,
"uname": null,
"wasAccepted": false
"canAdd": true