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resources/segments/aggregations (GET)

To enumerate all available aggregations with their ID and some more information. You require the IDs to then retrieve aggregated results.


(GET) /resources/statistics/aggregations


There are no parameters.


The system return a JSON array where each element is an aggregation you can use:


The unique ID of the aggregation.

titleA short title of the aggregationstring
commentsAdditional comments if anystring?

Tells if the aggregated data is on segment or text level:

  • SegmentLevel: Aggregates a segment level field such as the last modifying user.
  • TextLevel: Aggregates a text field (status, bookmark...).


Description of optional parameters that permit to customize the results for the aggregation.


Available with all text level aggregations. Set to true to obtain results individually per language. Set to false to calculate results for all languages combined.


Available with all date related aggregations. Specifies by which time interval data shall be aggregated.

By default this is "month" but you can change to "year", "month", "week", "day" and "hour"

See resources/statistics/aggregations (POST) on how to customize results.



The number of aggregations you will find available grows over time. A result may look like:

        "id": "segmentCreatedByUser",
        "title": "Show total segments created by user",
        "comments": "Data includes counts up to 30 different users.",
        "level": "SegmentLevel",
        "parameters": "None"
        "id": "segmentCreated",
        "title": "Show total segments created per time interval",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "SegmentLevel",
        "parameters": "\"interval\": Optional string, default is \"month\". Allowed values: [year], [month], [week], [day], [hour]."
        "id": "segmentModifiedByUser",
        "title": "Show total segments last modified by user",
        "comments": "Data includes counts up to 30 different users.",
        "level": "SegmentLevel",
        "parameters": "None"
        "id": "segmentModified",
        "title": "Show total segments last modified per time interval",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "SegmentLevel",
        "parameters": "\"interval\": Optional string, default is \"month\". Allowed values: [year], [month], [week], [day], [hour]."
        "id": "textCreatedByUser",
        "title": "Show total texts created by user",
        "comments": "Data includes counts up to 30 different users.",
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]."
        "id": "textCreated",
        "title": "Show total segments created per time interval",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]. | \"interval\": Optional string, default is \"month\". Allowed values: [year], [month], [week], [day], [hour]."
        "id": "textModifiedByUser",
        "title": "Show total texts last modified by user",
        "comments": "Data includes counts up to 30 different users.",
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]."
        "id": "textModified",
        "title": "Show total segments last modified per time interval",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]. | \"interval\": Optional string, default is \"month\". Allowed values: [year], [month], [week], [day], [hour]."
        "id": "textStatus",
        "title": "Count texts by status and by language",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]."
        "id": "textBookmark",
        "title": "Count texts by bookmark and by language",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]."
        "id": "textValueModifiedByUser",
        "title": "Show total text values last edited by users, individually per language",
        "comments": "Data includes counts up to 30 different users.",
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]."
        "id": "textValueModified",
        "title": "Show total text values last edited by users per time interval",
        "comments": null,
        "level": "TextLevel",
        "parameters": "\"perLocale\": Optional boolan, default is [true]. Use [true] to show results individually per language, [false] to show results all languages combined. Default is [true]."


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