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This method permits to obtain the list of people who have done at least one edit in a segment.

You input a scope and the method returns the list of workers.

Also see resources/team to obtain an extended list of people involved with a specific document and language. This method further adds project managers, non-editing workers, etc.


(GET) /resources/segments/view/workers


The parameters are a JSON object included in the request body:


The scope object.

queryAn optional filter on the segments. See Query (Object)Optional



A JSON with these properties:


An array of all workers.

If a worker edited multiple languages it will appear once per each language.



Each worker has these properties:


The language edited by the worker

uidPerson ID. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
unamePerson name. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
cidCompany ID. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
cnameCompany name. Null if current user is not authorized to see this.
countTotal of segments edited in that language.




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