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Releases 2024-07

This page shows items released in 2024-07.

Monday, July 8, 2024 - Version 1.09.09

NEW New API Extensions to Get Translation Status

Wordbee Beebox APIs have been extended to provide the translation status by start date (sfdate), target date (tfdate). This works for all statuses (such as in progress, done, etc.). This enhancement allows you to quickly find the information you need, track the progress of your translation requests, and manage your projects more effectively. examples is added documentation.

API, Beebox - BB-920

IMPROVED SRX Exclusion Rules Processing Improvement

We have addressed an issue with how Wordbee processes SRX exclusion rules, ensuring they correctly override segmentation suggested by split rules. This update fixes a bug related to the processing of regular expressions in the "before" and "after" rules and includes an automatic update to two faulty German SRX rules. The improved processing ensures more accurate and reliable segmentation, particularly in complex scenarios.

Core - BB-928





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