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Verifying Firewall Settings

For new customers, Wordbee Beebox is a 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) application. This section of the documentation is retained for existing customers who have the application installed on a local server.

For the Beebox to work correctly, you must make sure that your firewall(s) authorize outbound SSL access on port 32572

The rule can be restricted to host

Firewall settings are not correct if you encounter these errors:

  • Registration of Beebox software fails
  • Connecting to a translation vendor (Wordbee Translator platform) fails

See an error in the Windows logs

With all connection problems, you find full details in the Windows event log. You will typically see a Beebox log entry explaining that access to fails.

Test connection using a web browser

To verify connectivity yourself please ffollow these steps:

  • Login as administrator to the server on which you installed the Beebox.
  • Open a Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera browser (NOTE: Microsoft Explorer or Edge do not allow this test)
  • Navigate to the URL below :
  • If your firewall/network is properly configured, you will see this result (depends on content-type JSON or XML):

  • If you get a browser error message 404 or something similar, then your firewall is NOT configured properly. 
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.