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Releases 2022-06

This page shows items released in 2022-06.

Monday, June 27, 2022 - Version AZURE SWITZERLAND

NEW Turkish & Indonesian Added to Deepl Connector

We have added Turkish (ISO 639-3 "tr") and Indonesian (ISO 639-3 "id") to our DeepL machine translation system. More information about how to configure MT connectors can be found here:

MT, Translators, Project Managers - WM-12047

IMPROVED Word Count Profile: Option to Count Only Translated Repetitions Updated

The word count profile "Count only translated repetitions" was disregarded by the system when the option "Use project memory for pre-translation" was disabled. As this is not ideal, we have updated the behavior. Disabling the second option no longer affects the first one.

WordCount, Project Managers - WM-11868

IMPROVED Various Usability Enhancements to MT Hive

We have made several improvements to the usability of MT Hive, including saving last search criteria, deadline selection, and more.

MT Hive, Clients - WM-11287

FIX Search Bar Languages Automatically Update When Navigating Between Jobs in the Editor

When users navigate between jobs from within the editor, the selected languages in the search bar are automatically updated to show the languages of the selected document.

Editor, Translators - WM-11771

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - Version AZURE SWITZERLAND

FIX Standard Project Word Counts

Word counts for Standard projects are displayed for documents that are marked for offline translation.

WordCount, Project Managers - WM-12176

Monday, June 6, 2022 - Version AZURE SWITZERLAND

NEW New Option to Assign Individual Workers as Supplier in Standard Jobs Batch Screens

This new option allows you to select individual workers of a company and assign jobs in the Standard Jobs batch screen. Previously, you were only able to assign jobs to a company but not individual workers.

Job Management, Project Managers - WM-11665

IMPROVED Non-breaking Spaces Are Now Supported in the Editor Search Box

You are now able to search for non-breaking spaces in the text search bar of the editor.

Editor, Translators, Project Managers - WM-11292

FIX Standard Project: Total Wordcount Now Correctly Adjusts to Applied Filter

The behavior of the wordcount page in standard projects has been fixed so that the "Total" row correctly displays the totals for the filtered items only.

Project Management, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-10357

FIX Enhanced Method for Validation of API Keys for MT Connectors

Some MT connectors did not save the valid API key unless certain language(s) were selected, we have now enhanced the method used for validation.

MT, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-11439

FIX Terminology Database: Export TBX Fields in Version 3

We have fixed a bug in the terminology database export system that was happening when trying to export creation and/or modification data using the option "Originally imported data".

Terminology, Project Managers - WM-11312

FIX Developer API History - API call Without URL Parameters Issue Resolved

We fixed the issue with the API history list in Wordbee Translator. When a call was made without a URL parameter, the page was not loaded and an error message was displayed. The system now correctly displays the API history.

API, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-11827

FIX Word Configuration Now Saves Correctly When Auto-detect Language is Enabled

All file filters offer the possibility to extract only content in a specific language for translation. While this is an AI language mechanism and is reliable up to a point prior to this fix when you configured your language and saved the filter, the language selection might have disappeared when you saved it. We have resolved this small bug.

File Formats, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-11698





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