Releases 2025-02
This page shows items released in 2025-02.
Monday, February 24, 2025 - Version 2025.1.8.0 AZURE-EU AZURE-US SWITZERLAND
NEW TMS Now Supports Dark Mode
We are introducing a simplified dark mode for our TMS to provide a more comfortable viewing experience for users. Please note that this update does not include the CAT Editor. Additionally, if your platform uses custom CSS, this may result in unintended effects. We recommend reviewing your customizations to ensure compatibility with the new dark mode.
wbt, Clients - WM-19475NEW Beebox Now Connects to Both Standard and Codyt Projects
Beebox can now be linked to any Standard or Codyt project in a Wordbee platform. This flexibility enables platform owners to align integration activities with client portal requests while choosing the best project setup for their needs.
Beebox, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-19689NEW Automated Client Invoicing for CMS Integrations
A new option in the workflow & suppliers page of the project allows customers with CMS integrations to generate client invoices for each request pushed. This saves time, reduces manual effort, and improves accuracy.
API, Workflows, Project Managers - WM-19771NEW Flexible Text Selection by Cell Color in Excel Filters
Managers can now select text based on cell background color in Excel files, offering greater flexibility in parsing translatable content. This option is configurable in the "Do not translate" tab on the Microsoft Excel Configurations page.
Parsers, Project Managers - WM-19819NEW New Access Right for Managing Order Forms
A new access right "Can create and edit order request forms" (R55) has been added to the Manager user profile. It allows users to manage request forms used by end customers in the client portal, including editing the classic order form and modifying or deleting copies created with the new order and MT Hive forms.
Wordbee Website, Administrators - WM-19746IMPROVED Project Templates Now Include Instructions and Internal Comments
Saved project templates now include "Project Instructions" and "Internal Comments", allowing project managers to reuse this information when creating new projects. This update saves time and reduces the need for manual input.
Project Management, Project Managers - WM-19739IMPROVED Improved Excel Filter for RTL Language Support
The Excel file filter now automatically adjusts text alignment and sheet layout based on the target locale’s reading direction, ensuring correct formatting for RTL languages and enhancing usability for previewed files and project deliverables.
Parsers, Translators, Project Managers - WM-19806FIX Fixed the "Manage Documents" Popup in the Project Library
The "Manage Documents" popup in the project’s documents tab now lists only files relevant to the current project. This update gives users with management rights quick access to take action on any job within the project.
Codyt, Project Managers - WM-19914FIX Correction to Language List for Zambia
The incorrect entry "Tongan (Zambia)" has been removed from the language list for Zambia (ZM), ensuring more accurate language data for the region.
Wordbee Website, Translators - WM-19748FIX Consistent Context Extraction in Multilingual Excel Parsers
Multilingual Excel parsers now reliably extract the column context/key when the HTML content checkbox is enabled, ensuring consistent results across all configurations.
Parsers, Translators, Project Managers, Freelancers - WM-19854FIX Job Deadlines Now Align with Platform Work Times
Job deadline calculation now follows platform work times and automatically adjusts based on project and platform settings. This ensures accurate scheduling, helping project managers plan and allocate work more efficiently.
Jobs, Workflows, Project Managers - WM-19648
Monday, February 3, 2025 - Version 2025.1.5.0 AZURE-EU AZURE-US SWITZERLAND
NEW US Data Center Monitoring Added to Wordbee Status Page
The Wordbee Status Page now includes monitoring for the US Data Center.
Wordbee Website, Administrators - WM-19720NEW New Multilingual File Synchronization Feature for Flex API
Flex API now enables efficient synchronization of multilingual files, such as Excel, CSV, POT, and XLIFF, with the Flex Strings DB. This two-way process allows users to push changes from their files into a Flex container and update the files with the latest translations from the container, ensuring the files remain up to date and synchronized. Note: This feature is designed specifically for multilingual files. For more information, visit:
API, Wordbee Flex, Project Managers - WM-19493NEW Language Columns Available in the Orders Page
Users can now customize their view on the Main Orders Page by adding Source and Target language columns through the Edit View feature.
Client Orders, Project Managers, Clients - WM-19580NEW Batch Job Assignment Now in Standard Projects
Batch job assignment is now supported in Standard projects through the jobs page. This allows managers to assign and update multiple jobs at once to different suppliers, simplifying task delegation for both in-house and external teams.
Job Management, Translators, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-19146IMPROVED Enhanced API Field Length Validation
We have enhanced field length validation to inform users when a custom field exceeds the character limit, instead of simply preventing workflow creation. This improves the overall reliability of the workflow creation process and provides consistent behavior across both API and UI.
API, Translators, Project Managers, Clients - WM-19362IMPROVED New "Update Job Status" Option Added to Import XLIFF
The Import XLIFF popup now includes an "Update Job Status" button, enhancing batch action capabilities on the main job pages. The button directs users to the Job Batch Actions screen with the "Set Status" field preset to "Complete" for an improved experience when delivering jobs.
Job Management, Project Management, Project Managers - WM-18971IMPROVED Improved Sheet Selection in Excel Parser
We’ve enhanced the Excel parser to offer a simplified and more intuitive sheet selection process. Users can now easily specify translatable sheets by entering sheet numbers or ranges (e.g., "1,3,5-8,12"), making it quicker and more user-friendly to select multiple sheets for translation.
Wordbee Website, Project Managers, Administrators - WM-19413IMPROVED Improved Error Messages for Cost Assignment Failures
When setting job costs in Codyt, error messages now provide detailed and precise information to help users quickly identify and resolve issues. For example, in the case of the deletion of a selected service, users will be prompted to choose an alternative.
Codyt, Costing, Project Managers - WM-19633IMPROVED Improved File Upload Cancellation Process
We’ve enhanced the file upload process to ensure that canceling a file upload to the project library now correctly updates the document list, pop-ups, and browser alerts.
Upload, Project Managers - WM-19476IMPROVED Extended Merging Options for TBX File Imports
Merging options are now available when importing TBX files into an existing Termbase. This update aligns TBX imports with other formats, simplifying data exchange while enhancing flexibility and control.
Resources, Translators, Administrators - WM-19582FIX Automatic Offloading Operations Now Functioning as Expected
An issue that prevented the automatic triggering of offloading operations has been resolved. The process now works as intended, ensuring reliable and efficient performance.
Wordbee Website, Administrators - WM-19717FIX Resolved Missing Custom Field Value Issue
Custom field values in the Supplier Services Export are now correctly included in all supported formats.
Supplier Management, Project Managers - WM-19554FIX Resolved Issue with TMX Export and Markup Encoding
TMX Exports now process markup encoding correctly, ensuring successful file generation.
TMX, Project Managers - WM-19640FIX API Date Range Requests Now Provide Consistent Results
The API /api/admin/traces/range now consistently provides results by mapping "from" and "to" parameters to UTC, eliminating issues previously caused by seasonal time changes such as daylight saving transitions.
API, Administrators - WM-19659FIX Fixed Issue for Advanced Notice of Deadline Alerts
Job deadline alerts are now also sent to suppliers when the Advanced Notice field is set to '0'. This fix ensures proper communication with suppliers when deadlines are due.
Notifications, Project Managers - WM-19589