To fill your company's profile, follow these steps:
Click on the arrow at the right of My Company on the menu bar and click on Summary. You can also open this page by clicking directly on My Company.
Click on Edit.
Fill in all the fields.
Select a default price list (if you have one) and a VAT percentage.
Click on Save.
The VAT rate is used when no rate is known for a client or a supplier. Clients' and suppliers' VAT rates prevail over this value. If this rate is zero and so is a client's or supplier's VAT, the invoice does not calculate VAT.
You also have the following buttons and tabs available on this page:
Can login - Informative.
Cannot Login - Informative.
Manage Logins - Opens the People & Logins page. Click to display the People & Logins page on which you can change login details for your company (see: People & Logins for a description).
Projects - Click on this link to see all the projects in which your company has been involved.
Jobs - Click on this link to open the [Jobs main page.]
Email Address - Informative. Click on the email address to send a message to your company.
View/hide agenda - Click on this icon to show/hide the company's agenda (see:The Calendar (Agenda) panel).
Locate company on a world map. Click on this icon to open a window with a map showing you the geographical location of the company.
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