In this panel, you can find a list of the most recent jobs.
This list contains the following columns:
Job Reference (Name or Number) - Click on the link to get a pop-up window with the job's summary. Click on go to page on the pop-up Window to display the Job details page (only visible for Standard jobs).
Detail Icon - Click on this icon to get a pop-up window with the job's documents. Click on go to job in the pop-up window to display the Job detailspage. Click on the document to open the Wordbee Translation interface (see: The Wordbee Translation Interface).
Task + Languages - Show the type of job and source/target language pair.
Type of Job - Translation, revision, proofreading, etc. Informative column.
Source/Target Language Pair - English-Spanish, French-English, etc. Informative column.
Deadline - GMT standard. Informative column.
Job Status - Draft, In progress, Completed, etc. Informative column.
Graph Icon - Click on this icon to see the job's progress in real time. This includes the type of work, status, assignment, percent of completion, etc. To see more information, click on View Full Report.
Select - Click to choose a job and open it on the Job details page. See: Jobs..
Lower Portion of Panel
All Standard Jobs - Shows you a page with a list of all the Standard jobs available. You can also look for one or several jobs on this page.
All CoDyt Jobs - Shows you a page with all the CoDyt Jobs that have been allocated to you with all the details: the Deadline, the word count, the name of the worker, etc..
View Planning - This shows the jobs planning that you can consult per day, per week or per month but also per status (in progress, completed...). You can also choose to see the manager planning or the supplier one.
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