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Wordbee Link for Google Sheets

Wordbee Link for Google Sheets™ is a useful application that allows you to connect your Google Sheets™ with Wordbee Translator.

Key Features

  1. Simple Setup and Configuration
    Getting started is a breeze. Our user-friendly interface guides you through the setup process, ensuring a smooth integration between Google Sheets™ and Wordbee Translator.

  2. Streamlined Localization Workflow
    No more exporting and importing content for translation. Wordbee Link for Google Sheets™ allows you to send your content directly from your Google Sheets™ to Wordbee Translator, making the localization process faster and more efficient.

  3. Real-Time Collaboration
    Collaborate seamlessly with your team, regardless of their location. With real-time synchronization, multiple team members can work on the same Google Sheet™, making updates and changes that automatically reflect in Wordbee Translator.

  4. Customizable Mapping
    Tailor the mapping of your data fields between Google Sheets™ and Wordbee Translator to suit your specific requirements. Define which columns contain source text, target languages, or any other relevant information for translation.

  5. Automated Translation Updates
    Keep your translations up to date effortlessly. When modifications are made in your Google Sheets™, Wordbee Link for Google Sheets™ detects the changes and automatically updates the translations in Wordbee Translator.

  6. Data Security and Privacy
    We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your data. Wordbee Link for Google Sheets™ ensures the highest level of data security, giving you peace of mind throughout the localization process.

Getting Started

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