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QA profiles

Use this method to enumerate all QA profiles defined in the system.Each profile can check different rules to detect actual or potential problems in translations. In Wordbee you can manage the profiles from the "Settings" link.


(GET) settings/qaprofiles?token={tokenid}&filter={filter}



The token obtained on connection



A JSON containing optional filter options.

Example:filter={ name: "my profile" }



JSON format of parameter "filter"


nameTo filter on the profile name. The system looks for profiles having this name (case insensitive).Optional
localeSourceTo filter on the profile source language. Use the language code. See Languages for a list of all supported ISO-2 language codes.Optional
localeTargetTo filter on the profile target language. Use the language code. See Languages  for a list of all supported ISO-2 language codes.Optional



Returns a list of ApiQAProfile

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