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Pseudo Translate Action

This action permits to pseudo-translate texts from memories.

The action is configured as follows:




string, Mandatory

The language of the text to find memory hits for. This is typically the source language of the segments.

string, Mandatory

The language into which we will write the memory translations. This is typically the target language of the segments.

string, Mandatory

The translation algorithm, any of:

  • Source: Copy source to target
  • SourceToLower: Copy source to target and transform to lowercase
  • SourceToUpper: Copy source to target and transform to uppercase
  • Stars: Copy source to target and replace all non-blank characters to "*"
  • SourceReshuffle: Copy source to target and reshuffle all characters. Also see parameter lengthChangePercent
  • SourceReshuffle-50: Copy source to target and reshuffle all characters and extend length by 50%.
  • SourceReshuffle+50: Copy source to target and reshuffle all characters and shorten length by 50%.


string, Mandatory
lengthChangePercentOptional, default is 0. Used with "SourceReshuffle" only. Negative or positive percentage to make the translation shorter or longer, Optional

Optional, default is true.

  • true: Only copy if the target language does not already have a text
  • false: Always copy and replace existing target text


bool, Optional
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