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Sentiment Analysis Action

Sentiment analysis determines whether a text expresses a positive or negative sentiment. In order to use this action, the pre-requisites are:

  • A sentiment analysis system must be enabled in Wordbee Translator under "Settings" > "Sentiment Analysis"
  • The user must have the right to run a sentiment analysis. Check access right in the respective user profile.

The sentiment score (-10 to 10) is returned with each segment in txt.sent (score) and txt.sentdt (date of scoring). See Segment Details (Object)

The action is configured as follows:




string, Mandatory

The language to estimate.

string, Mandatory

Specify a mode:

  • All: The score of each text is estimated, even if a score is already set. This option is not recommended as sentiment analysis involves a cost.
  • IfMissing: Estimate score only if the text has no score yet. This option avoid recalculating scores and thus reduces cost.
  • IfOutdated: Estimate score either if there is no score yet or the text was changed after an existing score was estimated.
  • Clear: Clear all scores.

string, Mandatory

Any text shorter than this minimum length will not be scored. The length is calculated exclusive markup.

The idea here is that very short texts may be difficult to score (unless they contain a really blatant word).

Set 0 if you want to score any text whatever its length.

int, Mandatory



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