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Register Beebox software

For new customers, Wordbee Beebox is a 'Software as a Service' (SaaS) application. This section of the documentation is retained for existing customers who have the application installed on a local server.

If this is the first time you install the software, you will be asked to register for a 30 days trial. If you are upgrading the software, then the Beebox finds back the previous license information and registration is skipped. Fill in the registration screen:

Special care should be taken with these fields:
  • Login and password:
    These are the Beebox administrator credentials to access the Beebox user interface. You can leave credentials blank but always choose strong passwords when using the Beebox in production environments.
  • Beebox data directory:
    This is where the Beebox will store all your project files, configuration and license information. It is not possible to later change this location.

Please note that the data directory and its contents are not removed when uninstalling or upgrading the software. This ensures that you never lose your data even when removing the Beebox completely.

Once you have registered you will be sent to the Beebox login page.

If you have trouble to activate your Beebox installation, make sure your system is able to access the Beebox licensing server

Also see: Install Beebox software

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