Text Filter
The Beebox user interface lets users find text segments by a large variety of filter criteria. Built-in filters permit to look for untranslated content, problems with embedded codes, etc:
You can add your own filters to this list. This is done in a few steps:
- Add a class that extendst BeeboxTextFilter.
- Code the IsMatch() method. It receives one segment at a time and returns true if the segment passes the filter.
- Compile and install your dll.
The code below is a sample implementation. All interface methods are verbosely commented and should be self-explanatory.
Sample class
The Beebox extension below adds a filter that yields segments that are not translated: A simple but fundamental quality assurance algorithm.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Wordbee.Beebox.Extensibility;
namespace Acme.PseudoTranslationSample
/// <summary>
/// This is a simple Beebox extension that adds a text filter option to the user interface.
/// </summary>
public class SampleTextFilter : BeeboxTextFilter
/// <summary>
/// Gets the globally unique id of this extension.
/// </summary>
public override string ExtensionID { get { return "acme2"; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets if the extension is by default enabled. If false, then it must be enabled explicitly in each
/// Beebox project from the Beebox Admin UI.
/// </summary>
public override bool EnableByDefault { get { return true; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a name. Displayed in the Beebox extension manager page.
/// </summary>
public override string Name { get { return "Acme QA filter"; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the title of the algorithm shown in the user interface such as the "Actions" tool where a user can pseudo translate
/// selected content.
/// </summary>
public override string UITitle { get { return "Acme - Missing translations"; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a description. Displayed in the Beebox extension manager page.
/// </summary>
public override string Description { get { return "Some words on my algorithm..."; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets version number. Displayed in the Beebox extension manager page.
/// </summary>
public override string Version { get { return "1.0"; } }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the author. Displayed in the Beebox extension manager page.
/// </summary>
public override string Author { get { return "Acme Ltd"; } }
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the segment passes the filter. Otherwise do return false.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="segment">
/// Segment details with source text, translation and additional properties:
/// - Source: The original text
/// - Target: The translated text (can be null or "" to indicate no translation yet)
/// - SourceLocale: The source language code
/// - TargetLocale: The target language code
/// - Status: The Quality Assurance status: 0 = not set, 1 = QA Ok, 2 = QA Error
/// - Validated: The translation currently is approved or not
/// - Locked: The translation is locked for editing by the user
/// - File: The file name containing the segment
/// - Project: The project key
/// - Key: Gets the segment key or the context of the segment. File format dependent: "Heading 1", "Hyperlink", ...
/// - SourcePrevious: The text just before this segment
/// - SourceNext: The text just after this segment
/// </param>
/// <param name="configuration">The extension's parameters. You need to implement the respective virtual methods to permit configuring the parameter individually per project.</param>
/// <returns>
/// True: The filter retains the segment
/// False: The filter discards the segment
/// </returns>
public override bool IsMatch(Segment segment, IExtensionConfiguration configuration)
// We want all empty translations!
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(segment.Target)) return true;
// Those with content we skip!
return false;