CoDyT Jobs in the CAT Editor
How to access the CAT Editor
As project manager or internal worker, you can access the translation interface for different reasons, to translate, revise, etc. Or if you have created jobs and assigned them to external suppliers, you can connect to track the work progress.
Open a CoDyt project.
Click on Jobs when viewing your CoDyt project.
Click on arrow next to your job and click on Translate.

Remember that if the task has already been assigned to you, you can also access this task from the Translate link from the Jobs dashboard.

The CAT Interface will open.
Confirm you will perform the task by changing the status of it to In Progress

You can also perform this action from the Status link in the platform and then accessing the Editor to start the translation.

Learn more
To learn how to access the CAT Editor from a Standard project, see Standard Jobs in the CAT Editor.
Check out the CAT User Guide to learn how to work in the Multicolumn Editor and customize it to your preferences.
The Multicolumn CAT Editor