Invoice notification templates
Templates can contain "placeholders" that will be replaced with real data from the supplier, the job or the project.
Templates can further contain conditional statements as described at the bottom.
Times are shown in the timezone of the platform owner. The timezone indicator is shown next to each date (e.g. "GMT+1")
Placeholder | Description |
{{IsClientInvoice}} | 'true' if this is a client invoice. 'false' if it is a supplier invoice created on behalf of the supplier. |
{{IsAggregation}} | 'true' if this invoice aggregates one or more details invoices. 'false' if it is a single self contained invoice. |
{{InvoiceNo}} | The invoice number. |
{{InvoiceDate}} | The invoice date. |
{{PeriodFrom}} | The consolidation or financial period first day. Set during aggregation/consolidation of invoices. |
{{PeriodTo}} | The consolidation or financial period last day. Set during aggregation/consolidation of invoices. |
{{Reference}} | The invoice reference. |
{{UserMessage}} | The optional message a user may have typed when sending the notification. The message can be null. |
{{DestinationName}} | The client/supplier first and last name. This field can be null if not provided. |
{{DestinationFirstName}} | The first name of the destination. |
{{DestinationLastName}} | The last name of the destination. |
{{DestinationCompany}} | The client/supplier company name. This field can be null if not provided. |
{{DestinationNameAndCompany}} | The client/supplier first/last name together with the company name. |
{{DestinationNameInvAndCompany}} | The destination's reversed full name and company name (comma separated). The reversed full name prints the last name and then the first name. |
{{DestinationFirstNameOrFullNameOrCompany}} | Contains the destination's first name. If no person specific assignment then returns the supplier contact name. If no contact name was supplied with the supplier record then it returns the company name. |
{{DestinationNameOrCompany}} | The destination first/last name if supplied, otherwise the destination company name. |
{{DestinationNameInvOrCompany}} | The destination last/first name if supplied, otherwise the destination company name. |
{{DestinationEmail}} | The client/supplier email. |
{{DestinationEmailUrl}} | The url to use in hyperlinks to send an email to the destination. It is the same as destinationEmail prefixed with 'mailto:', e.g. |
{{DestinationLanguage}} | The preferred language of communication (language code) to use with the destination company. It can be set in the company's details page. |
{{SenderName}} | The first and last name of the user sending out the notifications. The sender is the user who triggered the sending of notifications in the invoice production tools. |
{{SenderFirstName}} | The first name of the sender. |
{{SenderLastName}} | The last name of the sender. |
{{SenderCompany}} | The company name of the sender. This is the same as the placeholder 'PlatformCompany'. |
{{SenderNameAndCompany}} | The sender's full name and platform company name (comma separated). |
{{SenderNameInvAndCompany}} | The sender's reversed full name and platform company name (comma separated). The reversed full name prints the last name and then the first name. |
{{SenderFirstNameOrFullNameOrCompany}} | Contains the sender's first name. If no person specific assignment then returns the platform company contact name. If no contact name was supplied then it returns the platform company name. |
{{SenderNameOrCompany}} | The sender first/last name if supplied, otherwise the platform company name. |
{{SenderNameInvOrCompany}} | The sender last/first name if supplied, otherwise the platform company name. |
{{SenderEmail}} | The email of the sender. |
{{SenderEmailUrl}} | The url to use in hyperlinks to send an email to the sender. It is the same as SenderEmail prefixed with 'mailto:', e.g. |
{{PlatformCompany}} | Your company name or the licensee of this platform. |
{{PlatformEmail}} | Your contact email as specified in the 'My company' page. |
{{PlatformEmailUrl}} | The url to use in hyperlinks to send an email to the platform. It is the same as PlatformEmail prefixed with 'mailto:', e.g. |
{{PlatformUrl}} | Your company web site as specified under Settings. If not set this field is null. |
Conditional statements
{% if JobStatusCode == 'InProgress' or JobStatusCode == 'Completed' %} In progress! {% else %} Not in progress! {% endif %}
{% case JobStatusCode %} {% when 'InProgress' %} In progress! {% when 'Cancelled' %}Cancelled! {% else %}Other status! {% endcase %}