In this panel, you can find a list of the most recent projects. This list has the following columns.
Project Reference - Click on the link for a project number to see a project summary pop-up window. Click on go to page on the pop-up window to display the Project page.
Detail Ucon - Click on this icon to get a pop-up window showing the lists of the project's documents. Click on go to library in the pop-up window to display the document's library. Click on the document to download it.
Client - Click on the link for a client to see a client summary pop-up window. Click on go to details on the pop-up window to view the client page or click on View to access the People & Logins page for the client. You can also click on the email address in this pop-up window to open your email and write a message.
Deadline Date - GMT Standard. Informative.
Project Status - In progress , Waiting , etc. Informative.
Select - Click on this link to open the details of the projects. Opens the Project Page.
Lower Portion of the Panel
View All Projects - Shows you the Projects page on which you find a list of all the available projects. You can also look for projects on this page.
View Planning - This shows the projects planning that you can consult per day, per week or per month but also per status. You can also choose to see the manager planning or the client one.
New Project - This takes you directly to the New project details page where you can begin creating a new project (see: Creating projects).
Find - Type the reference you are looking for in this field (a partial entry will do) and then click on the right arrow . You can fine-tune your search by using all the fields and drop-down lists. Click on Find to search again or on reset to clear all fields. Click on to close the search dialog and show only the results.
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