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Work Statistics

View your document statistics in the icon below, on the top left corner of the Editor working space

Simple view

A general view of the statistics of your working document will be directly displayed after clicking on the icon above:

Statistics (simple view)

Statistics (simple view)

Detailed view of each information module

Segment informationReal time information about the document progress
Workerspeople who have been assigned jobs
StatusDetail of the validation or review of the segment (following the convention of your team)
Last modificationsperformed during any phase of the project
BookmarksDetail of the annotation/highlighting of segments (following the convention of your team or your personal preferences)
Full statistics reportWith detailed data (segment view/word counts)

Please note

Each element in this window is clickable, allowing you to apply simple filters.

You can also apply complex filters (combining more than one category) by means of the searchbar, located on top.


The simple statistics window can also be adapted to your needs, allowing you to hide/display the modules that you find more useful:

Full report

For a full report of the statistics, containing all the information retrieved from the Project Resources and the word counts, you will need to access the report available at the bottom of the window:


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