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Configuring MFA

To ensure the highest level of security, Wordbee Translator offers administrators advanced settings for configuring MFA, while also allowing users to enable MFA for their individual profiles.

Platform Settings: Advanced Security Options (admins only)

Administrator users can configure how MFA is applied across the system through the Platform Settings under Advanced Security Options. This is where the MFA requirements for users in the organization are defined.


Multifactor Authentication Options

Find more details in the MFA section of the Advanced Security Settings documentation.

User Profile Settings: Enabling MFA

Once MFA is configured by the administrator, users can define their own MFA settings from the User Profile page.


Steps to Enable MFA:

  1. Access User Profile: Go to the Login section of your account.

  2. Enable MFA: If MFA is optional, you can toggle the MFA Status ON or OFF to activate or deactivate it for your account.

If MFA is set as optional, users have the choice to enable or disable it.
If MFA is enforced for all or some users, it will only be required for those user accounts for which it applies (ex. enforced for non-SSO users) and it will not be possible to disable it for them.

  1. Save Changes: After enabling MFA, your profile will be secured with an additional layer of protection. If MFA hasn’t been configured yet, you’ll be prompted to set it up the next time you log in.

  2. Choose Authentication Method: Upon logging in, you will be asked to choose your preferred MFA method (e.g., authentication app or email token) and follow the prompts to complete the setup.

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