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View the detailed word count report

This article shows you how to view the detailed word count report in Standard and Codyt projects.

Only managers have access to view the word count reports. Unlike the word count views accessible in Counts & Cost, and via the word counting icon at the Job level, the detailed reports contain the original/unaltered word counts.

Standard project

  1. Open Word Count.

  2. Select one of the jobs in your list and click on the magnifying glass to view the Job details.

  3. The Word Count report will open.

  4. Click on the link at the bottom of the windows - View detailed report. Here you can check the total word counts per category and the counts for leveraged content. This includes pre-translation, machine translation, repetitions and untranslated hits.

Codyt project

  1. Open Counts & Cost.

  2. Open the word counts and cost management dashboard of either clients or suppliers.

  3. Select one of the jobs in your list and click on details >manage work.

  4. Click on Counts & Cost. See the links at the bottom of the window.

  5. Use the link at the bottom to open the Detailed report.

Learn more

Word counting

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