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Wordbee Link for InDesign

Wordbee Link for InDesign is a plugin that allows you to connect your InDesign files with Wordbee Translator and synchronize your source and target files.

Key Features

  1. Streamlined Localization Workflow
    Wordbee Link allows users to designate any INDD file as a source document and synchronize its content with Wordbee Translator for translation. Graphic designers for each target language can log in through the plugin and pull the latest version of the translated InDesign files on their computer, without having to send different file versions back and forth via file transfer or email.

  2. Real-Time Collaboration
    Collaborate seamlessly with your team, regardless of their location. With real-time synchronization, multiple team members can work on producing and translating your InDesign content, making updates and changes that automatically reflect in Wordbee Translator.

  3. Faster Time-to-Market
    With our innovative solution we don’t only increase productivity, but also significantly reduce the time-to-market for your documents as they can be created and translated at the same time.

  4. Data Security and Privacy
    Security and confidentiality are at the core of the system. Wordbee Link for InDesign ensures the highest level of data security, giving you peace of mind throughout the localization process.

Getting started

Need help?

Get in touch with the Wordbee Team for a product demo.

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