apps/tools/translatefiles/translate (POST)
Upload a file and have it word counted and pre-translated. Then get back the translated file and word count details.
(POST) /api/apps/tools/translatefiles/translate
Tip: A helper method exists to get some parameters from a project: Word count profile, Document format profile, Project memory and attached resource IDs.
The method is: apps/tools/translatefiles/presets/project/{pid}
The body must contain a JSON object with these properties:
Original file | ||
fileToken | The token that references the original file to process. Use media/upload to upload your file and to obtain a token. NOTE: This method will invalidate the file token. | string, Mandatory |
src | Source locale. This is the locale of the original file. | string, Mandatory |
trg | Target locale. This is the locale into which to translate. | string, Mandatory |
formatId | Optional ID of a specific document format configuration to use. The configuration defines how to extract text from the original file. The system selects a configuration as follows:
To enumerate all configurations, see: Document formats | int?, Optional |
formatProfileId | Optional ID of a document format profile from which to select a format configuration. Profiles are configured online at Settings > Document format profiles. Tip: Use helper method: apps/tools/translatefiles/presets/project/{pid} To enumerate all profiles, see: Document format profiles |
Translation and word count | ||
wordcountProfileId | Optional word count profile to use. The profile defines how to leverage memories, how to pre-translate from memories, whether to use MT and more. If not set, then the system selects the alphabetically first word count profile configured online at Settings > Word count profiles. Tip: Use helper method: apps/tools/translatefiles/presets/project/{pid} To enumerate word count profiles, see Word count profiles | int?, Optional |
resourceIds | Optional list of translation/project memories or term bases to use for leveraging (as well as pre-translation). If not set, then the system will only pre-translate with MT (if a system is enabled in the word count profile) Tip: Use helper method: apps/tools/translatefiles/presets/project/{pid} to get project memory ID and attached resource IDs for a reference project. | int[]?, Optional |
disableMT | Optional. Default is false.
| bool?, Optional |
copySourceToTarget | Optional. Default is true if not specified.
Avoid use of false with binary files such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign etc. The system will otherwise very likely fail to build valid translated files. | bool?, Optional |
Results | ||
buildTranslatedFile | Optional. Default is true if not specified. If true then the results will contain a file reference to download the translated file. Use false if you are only interested in the word count information. | bool?, Optional |
collectLeveragedHits | Optional. Default is false if not specified. If true, then the results will contain a file reference to download a JSON containing all the hits that were used for pre-translation of each segment. | bool?, Optional |
callbackurl, callback | Specify a URL which will be called upon success or failure of operation. This makes polling for operation status unnecessary. See Callbacks (with asynchronous operations) | Optional |
The API method returns an Asynchronous operation result:
"trm": {
You can poll the status or use the callback parameter. When the operation is complete, the results are in the custom property
"trm": {
"requestid": 32230,
"isbatch": false,
"status": "Finished",
"statusText": "Finished!"
"custom": {
[ ****** RESULTS ****** ]
The custom property is a JSON object:
filetokenWordcount | The file token to download the word count results as a JSON document. The details are described here: projects/{pid}/wordcounts/{did}/{trg} but contain additional details. | string |
filetokenTranslation | The file token to download the translated file. | string |
fileTokenLeveragedHits | The file token to download a JSON with all hits used for pre-translation. Usemedia/get/{token} to download the JSON. The parameter See an example below this table. | string? |
parameters | The parameters used to word count and translate the file. These are those you submitted plus the default values populated. Example:
| object |
Leveraged hits
With the fileTokenLeveragedHits
token you can download a JSON with a list of the hits that were used to pre-translate the segments.
"de": [
"docNo": "1",
"docSid": null,
"sid": 27624594,
"rid": 7837,
"sim": 100,
"ed": 1,
"st": 0,
"src": "en",
"trg": "de",
"stxt": "Good morning"
"docNo": "1-2",
"docSid": 1,
"sid": 27624595,
"rid": 7837,
"sim": 99,
"ed": 1,
"st": 0,
"src": "en",
"trg": "de",
"stxt": "How are you doing"
The key properties of each hit are:
: The sequential segment number (string) in the document we translate: 1, 2, 3, 3-2, 3-3, etc.docSid
: Always null.stxt
: The hit’s source textsid, rid
: The hit’s numeric segment ID and resource IDsim
: The hit similarityed, st, src, trg
: The hit’s last editor, status, source and target language
We upload a Word file, see media/upload. We get back our fileToken, see below.
POST /api/media/upload
BODY: multipart attachment of a Word file
We submit the request:
POST /api/apps/tools/translatefiles/translate
"src": "en",
"trg": "fr",
"fileToken": "178eee3996bd4898b31da69a4fe5b206",
"wordcountProfileId" : 186,
"formatProfileId": 9,
"resources": [ 4630, 4401 ]
This returns the status of the asynchronous operation. We poll for completion. We can also include the URL callback parameter in the payload to notify us.
When the operation is finished, we get:
"trm": {
"requestid": 0,
"isbatch": false,
"status": "Finished",
"statusText": "Finished!"
"result": {
"items": []
"custom": {
"filetokenWordcount": "424366598aa1472499a87a3434688ad2",
"filetokenTranslation": "d11e5b4e5c444109a8f940ec7205b53f",
"parameters": {
"fileToken": "178eee3996bd4898b31da69a4fe5b206",
"fileName": "sample.docx",
"src": "en",
"trg": "fr",
"formatProfileId": 9,
"formatId": null,
"wordcountProfileId": 186,
"resourceIds": [],
"disableMT": false,
"copySourceToTarget": true,
"buildTranslatedFile": true
Download translated file:
GET /api/media/get/d11e5b4e5c444109a8f940ec7205b53f
Download word count details:
GET /api/media/get/424366598aa1472499a87a3434688ad2
The word count details are a JSON document (see description of properties here projects/{pid}/wordcounts/{did}/{trg} )
"segments": 1,
"words": 2,
"chars": 11,
"pages": null,
"minutes": null,
"wordsExcluded": 0,
"charsTranslated": null,
"wordsTranslated": null,
"wdPretransIdentical": 2,
"wdPretransIdenticalCtx": 0,
"wdPretransIdenticalPrevCtx": 0,
"wdPretransIdenticalPrev": 0,
"wdPretransIdenticalMT": 2,
"wdPretransFuzzy": 0,
"wd110": 0,
"wd100": 2,
"wdMatch1": 0,
"wdMatch2": 0,
"wdMatch3": 0,
"wdMatch4": 0,
"wdMatch5": 0,
"tags": 0,
"spaces": 1,
"punctuation": 1,
"nonAsianWords": 0,
"asianCharacters": 0,
"details": {
"counts": [
"locale": "fr",
"counts": {
"c": [
"o": 0,
"e": 5,
"s": 100,
"r": null,
"cc": 11,
"cw": 2,
"cs": 1
"dt": "2021-07-24T14:44:45.0783981Z"
"performance": {
"global_secs": 1,
"mt_secs": 0,
"markupfix_secs": 0,
"tm_secs": 0,
"tm_mode_full_secs": 0,
"tm_mode_full_cnt": 50,
"tm_mode_mixed_secs": 0,
"tm_mode_mixed_cnt": 0,
"tm_searches_ident_cnt": 0,
"tm_searches_ident_secs": 0,
"tm_searches_full_cnt": 0,
"tm_searches_full_secs": 0,
"tm_100_percent": 0.0
Machine translation
If you want to MT the files then make sure to assign a machine translation system in the word count profile specified by parameter wordcountProfileId.
For testing purposes you might opt for the “Pseudo Translation” system which translates by converting text into uppercase letters.
If you would like to find out how much content was translated by machine then download the word count results (described further up). Look for the wdPretransIdenticalMT property which shows the total words translated by machine.
XLIFF translation
XLIFF files may already contain translations. If you do not want the existing translations be replaced by machine translations then make sure to tick this option in the XLIFF configuration you are using:

You may also want to consider ticking below option. It extracts status and origin of the translation: