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Report S600 - MT Hive Usage Report

This management report shows detailed usage of MT Hive (instant machine translation) by user/company and for a selected period of time.

Report content

The report creates a line per MT Hive translation request. Its columns include the requestor person details, company details, and word count details.


Screenshot of default template:

Global placeholders

These can be placed in any location in the Excel and are general properties applicable to all the report.

Placeholder nameDescription
<#StartDate>The start date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#EndDate>The end date selected when creating the report. The date is adjusted to the time zone you have configured.
<#GeneratedDate>The date when the report was generated.

Data rows and placeholders

Each row of the report corresponds to MT Hive Instant Translation request, In other words all information of a specific request will be contained in one  single row.

The placeholders of the row must be placed within the Excel table range named "___Lines___" (3 leading and trailing underscore characters ).  Click here for more details on table ranges.

A report prints the raw data in rows. Each row, you can use any of the following placeholders:


Placeholder nameDescription
Company detailsThe supplier's company.
<#Lines.CompanyId>The unique company ID (number).
<#Lines.Company>The client company name.
<#Lines.CompanyCode>The company code (a free text field that can be supplied in the company details page).
<#Lines.CompanyContactName>The company contact name
<#Lines.CompanyContactEmail>The company contact email.
<#Lines.CompanyContactPhone>The company contact phone.
<#Lines.CCF1> ... <#Lines.CCF20>Company custom fields 1 to 20. Each of your custom fields has a numeric ID. Finding Custom Field ID
Person detailsFilled in if the line refers to an internal worker. For external suppliers all person fields are empty.
<#Lines.PersonId>The unique internal ID of the person.
<#Lines.PersonFirstName>Person first name.
<#Lines.PersonLastName>Person last name.
<#Lines.PersonCode>Person code as supplied in the person details page.
<#Lines.PersonRole>The person's role in the company.
<#Lines.PersonEmail>Person email address.
<#Lines.PersonPhone>Person phone.
<#Lines.PersonTitle>Person title such as Mr. or Mrs.
<#Lines.PCF1> ... <#Lines.PCF20>Person custom fields 1 to 20. Each of your custom fields has a numeric ID. Finding Custom Field ID 
Word count detailsThese columns are relevant to the MT Hive instant translator data.
<#Lines.SubmitDate>The date the request was submitted.
<#Lines.FileName>The filename of the file to be translated.
<#Lines.From>The source language name of the translation.
<#Lines.To>The target language name of the translation.
<#Lines.Segments>The number of segments in the document.
<#Lines.Words>The number of words in the document
<#Lines.Characters>The number of characters in the document.
<#Lines.MTPercent>The amount of words that were machine translated as a percentage of the total words.
<#Lines.TMPercent>Total words that were pre-translated at 100% or above as a percentage.
<#Lines.MT>Total words that were machine translated.
<#Lines.TM100>Total words that were pre-translated at 100% or above.
<#Lines.TM110>Total words that were pre-translated at 110% (perfect pre-translations) from memories or termbases.
<#Lines.TMF>Total words of fuzzy (< 100%) pre-translations.
<#Lines.PostEditRequested>If the request is flagged for post edit. The return value is a boolean.
<#Lines.PostEditRequestedLabel>If the request is flagged for post edit. The return value is text ("yes" or "no").






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