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TTX Files

The following file extensions are supported when setting up file format configurations for RTF Files: .ttx.

For more information, please see the following sections: 


To learn more about working with file format configurations, please see the following pages: 


Default TTX File Format Configuration

Every file format has a default configuration to ensure that a file can be translated; however, it does not handle every complex property that could be thrown your way when translating a source file. The default configuration for TTX files does the following: 

  • Uses UTF-16 as the Default Character Encoding.
  • Extracts any Translations in the TTX.
  • Does Not Extract Segments Containing Neither Letters nor Digits.
  • Does Not Show Leading/Trailing Whitespaces to the Translator.
  • Uses SRX Rules for Text Segmentation.


Custom TTX File Format Configurations

If you are performing an TTX file translation, a custom file format configuration might be necessary to achieve the right results in your target file. Outside of the default configuration selections, Wordbee Translator offers many additional choices for:

  • Configuring A Different Type of Character Encoding.
  • Excluding Specific Content via Regular Expressions.
  • Always Splitting Text at Line Breaks. 
  • Extracting Segments Containing Symbols.
  • Showing Leading/Trailing Whitespaces.

TTX File Format Options

When setting up a file format configuration for TTX files, there are many options to choose from to ensure extraction is successful. The options are described in general below based on individual sections. 

  • Encoding - Change the type of character encoding for the source file and check the file encoding.

  • Content - Configure how to manage whitespaces, symbols, and translation extraction for files.

  • Exlude Content - Enter regular expressions for marking texts to be translated or not translated within the source file.

  • Text Segmentation - Enable SRX Rules for text segmentation and elect to always split texts at line breaks.
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