Adding a Client
Any number of clients may be added to the system for tracking projects, jobs, etc. To add a client, first click on Clients in the toolbar and then click on New Client in the upper right corner of the clients screen.
The following sections have been provided to assist with adding clients to the system:
Enter Basic Information
After clicking on New Client, you will be presented with an entry form. Only the items with an asterisk are required; however, the more you enter into the system, the easier the client will be to manage.
Name and Email
Required items include a Name and Email. Additional fields on the entry form are optional for adding clients to the system.
- Name - Either the name of the company or the individual when a freelance provider.
- Email - Should be the primary contact's email information.
Client Type
Additionally, you can configure the type of client by using the Type drop-down menu. The client types is helpful in identifying the client in the system and can be configured as a corporation, translation agency, freelance translator, etc. Each is noted in the client screen by a specific icon.
Separate Billing Address
Address information may be entered as part of the contact information. If the billing address is different from what has been entered in the top portion of the entry form, you can tick the checkbox next to Enter separate billing address and enter an alternative billing name, address, email, etc.
Creating a Login
If you have the client portal, then a login can also be created for the client when they are entered into the system. A login is not required and does not apply if you are not using the client portal. To create a login, tick the checkbox next to Create a login for this company and then fill in the required information. This includes:
- Last/First Name - Should be the client's main contact or the freelancer's name.
- Email - The email of the entered user. For agencies or corporations, this will be the email of the primary contact for which the login is being created.
- Login - A User ID that will be used with the password for logging into the client portal.
- Password - The password for logging in. You will need to retype the password and a visual indicator is provided to show strength.
- User Profile - This define's the users access rights when logging into the system.
To choose a user profile and define access rights, click on the drop-down menu and then click on the desired selection. You have three options:
- External Client - Suitable when you have the client portal and the client will need to place orders
- External Worker - Suitable when you do not have the client portal but want to allow the client to perform revisions or proofreading jobs.
- External Client and Worker - Suitable when you want the client to be able to place orders and perform revision work, etc.
External companies can only see the jobs you assign to them. They do not have access to any other information including internal comments.
You can also create custom profiles with defined access rights. To learn more see the Access Rights section under Administration.
Save the Client
Once all information has been entered, click on Save in the upper right corner to finish adding the client to the system.
The client will appear as shown below and additional information can be viewed or configured after they have been added to the system.
Once a client has been added, you can configure or assign a price list and add pricing information for them. A default price is pulled from the standard price list; however, this information may be changed to meet your specific needs. To learn more see Client Pricing.
Additional Actions
After the client has been added, you will be able to view the client's information and make changes as needed. Six tabs reside at the top:
- Client - View basic client information, contact details, billing information, etc.;
- Prices - View, add, or change pricing information;
- Domains - View, add or change domains of the client;
- Planning - View, add or change dates when the client does or does not work;
- People & Logins - View current user information and add users, disable logins, remove users, etc.;
- Documents - Manage reference documents that pertain to the client.
In the upper right corner, you will see the following options:
- Projects - View a list of the client's current projects.
- Calendar - Access the client's calendar.
- Delete - Remove the client from the system.
- Edit - Make changes to the client.
Underneath the client name, you can also view the login status or click on Manage Logins to view current users for the client portal:
- A green circle with a checkmark shows the client has a login and a red circle with a dash shows they do not have a login.

At the bottom of the screen, you can click on one of the following options to view more information about the client:
- Contact Details - View contact information including the name, email, phone, address and language. Click on the email address to send the client a message.
- Billing Details - View billing address and email information. Click on the email address to send a message to the current billing email.
- Invoicing & Accounting - View current invoice and accounting settings for the client. If nothing has been configured, then the Default settings will be used. It is recommended to enter pricing information before making changes to these settings.
- Translation Memories - Displays any translation memories for the client. If a new client, then a default translation memory will be the only item shown here.
- Supplier groups - See if supplier groups are linked to this specific client.
- Client Portal - Specific settings for the client portal. This includes options for configuring the classic order form (enable/disable), the instant translation form, and the new order form.
- Global Search - See if the client has access to Global Search.
This information may be changed by clicking on Edit in the upper right corner when viewing the client.